I repeat , do not read if you do not want to be spoiled !!!!!
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MEREDITH IS THE BENEFACTOR!!! WHAAAAAAAAT THE F#%K!? So last night (Sunday), my cousin predicted it to be the dude that works at the mental institution .. Whatever his name was .. The Nogitsune dude..! ( yeah he also played the Nogitsune, for all you fans who didn't know)..So we stuck to that prediction because it made perfect sense. All these 'suicides' reflected on him. We predicted he obvi knew about supernaturals because he had three of them (that we knew of before tonight's episode) which were Meredith, Malia, and then Stiles back when he was supernatural . And he was always just creepy! And then when Lydia and Stiles went to Meredith for help, all of a sudden, she dies of suicide. And that creep seemed to have been present when she "died". So we figured it had to be someone nobody was really focusing on, which was him. His crazy ass! So as we're watching episode 9, we were stoked! It seemed we were right all along, this crazy creep that works at the mental institution is the freakin benefactor ..... But nooooo, wait! Dude gets shot by Parrish and was all "I don't control her she's controls me" and Lydia's all like "omg it's not him.. He's not the benefactor" in walks Meredith like "I AM" .. WHET??!
That's what you call a TWIST! Jeff Davis is a freaking genius!!!!!!! But why!! Why is Meredith doing all of this? Why would she put her own name on the list? Why would she want all supernaturals deceased? What the heck supernatural is Parrish? Why did Lydia write Stiles name on that paper??????? And most importantly (to me anyway) WHAT DOES MEREDITH BEING THE BENEFACTOR HAVE TO DO WITH PETER NOT BEING ON THE LIST?
Being that I cannot elaborate on any question but that last, let me proceed to elaborate on it because I think there's a big connection there. Okay so we know Lydia got bit by Peter all the way back in the Season 1 finale. Peter was a warewolf, but Lydia turns into a banshee. Lydia's grandmother was a banshee. So it's prob a genetic thing , and prob one that her grams saw coming. Peter somehow knew to bite Lydia and knew what she would turn into , because he tells her it was his BITE that lit the spark....confirming his knowledge of what she was to turn into! So now, realizing this.. we understand that there is a very strong possibility that Peter has a huge connection to Lydia's abuela and possibly Meredith! But why? Well I can't say much because I am only a fan who's watching , but I'm happy to say that I am focusing on every little detail! And I would be happy just to know that I kinda knew and was on to something! Now, as for Meredith's reasoning behind all of this madness, I cannot predict that at ALL! I really would have no idea why she would want to kill ALL supernaturals.. And if she is connected to Peter in any way, it's not very smart to keep Scott on this list! We all know Peter wants to do the damage himself! So what the crap is going on?
*screams*!! Sunday can't get here any sooner?❓❔
Sunday? Did she just say Sunday?! That's right! For all you teen wolf fans who don't know, the next episode of Teen Wolf will be aired on Sunday for the first time, the same day as the awards. They want views! So they figure if they show teen wolf beforehand, nobody will change the channel! Good to know that the world knows teen wolf is the best show on MTV! Yes!
But wait, one more question ! WHY DID LYDIA WRITE STILES NAME???? Ugh ! My brain hurts! Maybe I'll just wait and figure this out tomorrow! Any ideas????
Well, Jeff Davis, you are the bomb diggityyy ! you totally rock , you the real MVP! Genius!
Xoxo, RINA
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