this is where I have been hiding. I have been making friends with my shirts and my dad's comfy sweaters. the closet is where I go to gather my thoughts and pray that once I exit I would get my life together. every time I feel like I'm there, I get pushed back. I know I sound like a depressed freak, but at this age — even when people tell you you should have nothing to stress about in your 20's — there's actually a lot to stress about. The thought of actually being an adult with a bunch of bills and responsibilities is stress by itself. Then you have the thought of everything being temporary — relationships , friendships , hair lengths and weight — just eating at you from time to time. It sucks, but it all depends on how you deal with it. I learn day by day not to let too much bs stress me out so much because it causes heavy anxiety. I have been experiencing severe anxiety for the past couple of months and it has caused sleep loss, hair loss, weight loss and other health issues. It really is no joke. But, even with all the loss, it doesn't make me weaker.. it makes me stronger. Because now I push myself to remain positive all the time because I know one of the horrible outcomes of negativity. And trust me, it is not pretty! So, sometimes this closet is not such a bad hiding spot, however .. being in here too long , you end up losing your hair and your mind. so I think I'm going to retire my closet soon. Especially because I've got a lot of blogging to do! Heh!
xoxo; Rina 💋
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