Took these photos today and noticed how much I looked like my mother. It made me happy because , well I love my mother and I want to be just like her. For years I was angry at her because I didn't understand why we weren't one of those happy families. I would see my friends roll around with their moms like best friends, and I would almost break down because I never understand why I DIDN'T have that. One time I lashed out all my feelings at her and felt so bad with how sad she was after all I said. Since I was so young I never really knew or realized what my mom was going through. She went through HELL with my father, and she went through it with my brothers' fathers. She had a few love interests, but none really made her happy. My mom went through that, plus being a nurse major she was in school and working 24/7. it's hard to do that and keep up with everything your children are doing. I get it. Also, she went through a lot with my grandmother too that I won't really get into... but I just never gave her credit when I was younger for being so strong! My mom is a warrior. Till this day, she can go through the worst and still keep it cool and go through it with a smile and a prayer. I love my mom! I want to be just like her! She's beautiful, she's smart and intelligent. She's an angel. She's there for everyone in need. People look up to my mom. They lean on her. My mom is the TRUTH. My mom is a superhero. I love you! I will never be angry at my mom for her hard work and her power. She's my queen. My woman crush Wednesday! Cheers to you, Wanda! #WandaCrushWednesday 😘😘😘
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